Hiring to enhance a high-performance culture…

According to Bersin & Associates — a research and advisory consulting firm with more than 25 years of experience in enterprise learning, technology, and HR business processes — almost 60% of companies recently surveyed cited the need to create and drive a . . . Continue reading →

Using technology in your hiring process…

Technology now allows us to understand some of the “special” genes that we have inherited that could cause us problems in our future, like cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. This technology provides you information, in many cases, to proactively deal with an . . . Continue reading →

Alien executives…

You might be thinking that I am describing your boss… According to the Wall Street Journal and Cohegic Corp., a Houston management-consulting firm, three-quarters of 36 U.S. companies recently polled by Cohegic said they are asking executives to take on unfamiliar roles.  . . . Continue reading →

Where do great coaches come from…

It is the college basketball season. Every year there are familiar colleges that dominate the rankings. I prefer to look past the college, because it’s not the college, it’s the coach. Great coaches stay at the same school and that program is . . . Continue reading →