Old dogs and new tricks…

Today is my birthday, and birthdays are always a good time to reflect.  One of the “joys” of having your own business is that you get to wear many hats.  One of the biggest hats any business owner wears is the Marketing hat.  For my age, I think I am pretty savvy regarding technology, but ever since Al Gore invented the internet, I try to be a constant student of internet Marketing techniques.

Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to go to a seminar regarding Social Media.  I didn’t know what Social Media really meant before attending the seminar, so I was anxious to just get some basic learning.  The Seminar was a 90-minute session designed to sell a social media hosting system, but the seminar was valuable for me from an information perspective.  What did I learn, and how does it apply to Royal Mountain Resources?

The Short Version

I could go a few pages on what I learned, but it boils down to two things:

  1. Although I hope my email blasts to all of you keep you thinking about using assessments to help you with people issues, they are basically a monolog from me. Most people learn from dialogs, not monologs.
  2. There are a lot of platforms, besides emails, to get the “message” out.

So, to create less of a monolog and more of a dialog, I have begun to convert my email blasts to blogs.  Royal Mountain Resources now has a blog site called “Up on Royal Mountain…” www.blog.royalmountainresources.com.

The first thing I would encourage you to do is to “subscribe” to the blog.  There is a box on the right side of the page that you can enter your email and create a subscription.  Any time something new is added to the blog, you get that content.  The second thing I encourage you to do is to leave a comment on any of the blogs included or in to the future.  You all have opinions and I would encourage you to share what you think.  Others may or may not be thinking the same thing.

The second thing I would encourage you to do is to explore the blogsite.  There are links to the Royal Mountain Resources website, you can check the current weather on Royal Mountain (yes it really does exist), plus explore other Social Media sites like Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn.  You can network with other folks that are on these sites.  The blog that I have is included on these links as well to help get the “message” out.

For some of you, I’m sure you are wondering what I have smoked for my birthday.  I am not wavering from the use of assessments to help you solve your people problems, but the internet has so much Marketing potential that I am trying to stretch my wings. 

Join me.


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